Sunday 7 April 2013

Book Review

During the spring break I had the opportunity to read one of the five epic books; I am Number 4, by Pittacus Lore also known as James Frey. The majority of the story takes place in Ohio, although with the characters moving around so much and running, it does not have a definite setting. I am Number 4 features a difficult struggle for survival, John Smith and his guardian Henri have been fleeing from the Mogadorians, an inhuman race of beasts, that invaded John’s home planet when he was just a child. Nine garde (faster, stronger and more agile than normal humans) children escaped from the planet, three have been hunted down and killed, and John is next... Each time one of these nine are killed, the others get a scar on their leg, each child has his own power, and with it comes his own symbol, when the child dies, his symbol is burnt on the leg of the others. The Mogadorians can only kill the nine in an ascending order, first Number 1, then Number 2,  then Number 3, and so onwards. The garde will not die if they are not killed in this order; the Mogadorians are here, on earth, to finish the job that they had started. These nine garde children and their guardians are the last of their race; they are being hunted, one by one...

I am Number 4 concerns survival; John Smith (Number 4) comes to planet earth from Lorien, his home planet, with eight other individuals. In the story, John receives his special abilities also known as legacies, which have been passed down by his parents, in his teenage years. These legacies can be powers like resistance to fire, the ability to communicate with animals, and telekinesis, the ability to move objects and sometimes even people with your mind or hand gestures. John and his guardian Henri have to stay alive until John is strong enough and has the other five Garde with him, only then will they be able to have a chance against the Mogadorians.  In the novel, John meets a number of people who he grows attached to, this is ironic because on Lorien, the people are not like humans, if they get attached to someone, it’s forever. John already knows Henri; he’s as close as a father to John as anyone can be. The first person John meets is Sarah Hart, who loves to take photos and John falls in love with her. John also encounters Mark James, Sarah’s ex boyfriend, who is also on the school football team, he is an eccentric character, and always enjoys to pick on Sam. Sam Goode believes in the existence of aliens and so did his father, his father has been missing for many years now, and Sam believes that aliens have abducted him.  John also meets Number Six, who has also lost her guardian; she is fierce and saved Number 4 from his death.  

I am Number 4 is a fantastic book, I liked every aspect of the story and thoroughly enjoyed the plot and the intricacy behind the characters and the setting. I actually enjoy books that have action, thriller, adventure, science fiction and those that show super human abilities, and powers such as this one. This novel certainly portrayed everything I would want in a book, including survival of the fittest, both for the antagonist and the protagonist. I would rate this book 5/5.

I would highly recommend that people, who enjoy novels with adventure, super human abilities, and science fiction, read this book. It is a fantastic book, and is the first of a five part series. I am looking forward to reading the next part of the book, The Power of Six