Thursday 20 December 2012

Challenge #1

“Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.” – Oprah Winfrey. I love to do many things; this can be learning new things and expanding my views about certain aspects of a subject or playing sports, although only some sports come to my advantage, which I enjoy doing. These can be baseball, hockey, badminton, tennis, rugby and cricket. I have been playing these sports since the age of approximately nine or ten. I love these sports because I know them very well, each and every element, and playing smart and strong is the only way to win.

  The thing that love about sports is that it gets my mind working and thinking better, it keeps me fit and healthy and through these sports I have made countless amounts of friends. The thing that I adore about learning new things is that, it increases my overall knowledge; it provides me with something to talk about when I am with a teacher or with a parent, it is a great conversation starter. Lastly it gives me the opportunity to show colleges and universities which I, in the future, will apply for, a good understanding of each and every topic, therefore I know every subject.  

 My overall passion that surpasses all the others is sports. Looking at my physique, it would strike people that I do not like sports and don’t enjoy playing and participating in them.  “Don’t judge a book by its cover”. Although the veracity is that sports are fantastic and even when I am bored, I will pick up a ball or grab a racket of some sort and start playing, its extraordinary that the amount of times I have been bored is at a smaller level compared the amount of times I have gone out to a club and started playing a sport with cousins, family members or my brother. I actually am planning to try out for numerous SIASAs such as SIASA basketball, badminton, and cricket.

 From sports I clean out and forget all my worries and my stress decrease while I play, therefore when I am done playing, I go home with a refreshed mind and energized body. This then helps me study better as well. 

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