Sunday 2 December 2012

It's never too late...

My life in grade 5 was great time, although it could have been much better. I did what any other 10 year old boy did; I played video games, played a minor amount of sports and studied.

I enjoyed playing only a few sports though, only those I was good at, I had no idea how to play any others, I did not like trying out new things and experimenting with life, I still do, to this day. I wish I knew that I should have tried new sports then I actually might have been good at them, such as cricket and hockey and soccer. I have been doing hockey since the age of thirteen now and I think I'm pretty good at it; I would have been much better if only I knew. I did not like experimenting with life, but because I didn't like it, I was forced to experiment, that is why I am here today in Pakistan, I tried and I like the change quite a lot.

I wish I knew how to overcome my fears, such as the fear of heights, at that age it would have helped me a lot.  Since then I have been going on many trips all over the world with my different schools and with families and I would have had to force myself to overcome them, it actually worked but then the effect wears off. I wish I had conquered all my fears and challenges that linger on to this day since grade 5.

I wish I knew that failure is success, only when you learn from it. I was a lazy kid back then, and when a test day came, I would have hoped for the best, without studying for it my grades plummeted and I would say to myself, I will get better at tests without really learning from my mistakes and now, with the help of many great teachers and the support of my parents, my failures are successes.

I wish I knew that pain is worth it. I couldn't really appreciate life until it had knocked my down a few towns, I could not really appreciate happiness until I knew sadness, I wish I knew that the end reward is far greater than the struggle gone through to achieve it, such as, you have to struggle to climb up a mountainside, only then will you appreciate the overwhelming and awe-aspiring view, otherwise it will the same as looking out of a window at your home.

I wish I knew that friends are like brothers and sisters, they are irreplaceable, saying this would mean that I would have more friends that can be, but I all ready do.  I wish I knew that you can’t measure and weigh friendship; everyone is equal in your eyes.

I wish I knew that passion is important, I wish I would have done things that make me happy, instead what others want me to do and what makes everyone happy, except me.

It’s never too late to learn and appreciate the things around you.
Make every moment count. 

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