Thursday 20 December 2012

Challenge #2

Lahore is a monumental city with a vast overwhelming history about how it got to be.  Each and every corner situated in Lahore is a new adventure leading to an innovative story with compelling characters
My knowledge does not surpass to what it should be of Lahore, even though I was born in Lahore, I lived in the U.K for practically 12 or lesser years. I love that place for its vast space and recreational time and its people, but it wasn't me, it’s not who I am, it’s what I was manipulated into.  

I love Lahore, it is by far the most superlative place I have lived in, Lahore is my home, I cannot hate me home, this is what describes me, but to a better extent. Lahore is the best place for many reasons, one being what my parents call the “bargaining method”; it is very easy to lower the price of a good even when the price is fixed. I myself use this method to fix the prices and they agree to my demands, most of the time, if not they kick me out of the shop, it’s quite funny actually.

The extravagant restaurants in Lahore dazzle my mind with a buzz, with the western restaurants located around populated areas and then home desi food and desi restaurants located on the outskirts of traffic jams and deep within Lahore, to the heart of the city.

I am jaw dropped at how little space there is in Lahore, but what rejuvenates me is the thought of how that space is used. I see people on the streets playing football, cricket, badminton, many sports and they utilize these sports into the space that they have. It’s something I am proud of.

Most of all, I adore that when you’re in Lahore it is never hard or never too late to make friends; they will always be knocking at your door. These friends that you make here and now, will be with you forever, begging to help you in any way, willing to do the tedious of things that will please you.

Although on the other hand, I also have a few dislikes towards Lahore, but I cannot hate this city, it’s my home and I don’t hate my home. There always be as there has been in the near past the horrific traffic that Lahore is known for. Every car in the city that will belt the horn at you when the traffic lights hit green, I have never seen this in west, the reasons for this are unknown to me but I do know that people in Lahore need to be more considerate about other people.

In actual fact there is one thing which infuriates me; this is that people in Lahore do not give way to those crossing the street. They jolt past like irritating maniacs and deport their politeness. I myself have to keep telling my driver or whoever it may be driving the car to give way to the people crossing the road or waiting patiently on the side-walks and tell him to wait kindly in respect.

Poverty is largely increasing issue in Lahore that has been nurturing its self from birth. I see it every single day of my life; it’s not what I want to see. I know that one man practically founded Pakistan and with it inside the city of Lahore, in this way of poverty we are destroying the terms and values of which this man created this nation, it is never too late to go back and correct out wrongs, do it before it is late.

                This community has suffered a lot, I believe that I could give way to people when they are crossing the road, it’s a small thing but it counts.  I could also talk politely to people at traffic lights and tell them to wait patiently for me to start. I could also talk to family members about helping those in poverty and provide them with food and shelter. It could be a system just as the one in Nectar in a Sieve, in the temple. I know that some of my family members have already worked closely with people to help those in poverty but much more could be done.

                I know that whilst living in England, my friends who are fellow class mates of mine have asked me questions regarding the topic of terrorism and political instability. This did compel me to feel threatened, gloomy and irritated. I will give two quotes by two great people, “In the case of news, we should always wait for the sacrament of confirmation” – Voltaire, a French enlightened idealist.  “People write negative things, cause they feel that’s what sells. Good news to them, doesn't sell” – Michael Jackson. What I am about to tell you is what I told my peers at that time.

Lahore is a wonderful place to live with magical and monumental people and figures, inspiring adventures and innovative stories. Don’t believe in what the news accumulates about Pakistan, the news is just a manipulative way to sell lies. Of course there is bomb blasts in Pakistan and there are riots, that doesn't mean that they happen every day and it’s not everyone or anyone who are/is doing these bombardments. It’s just a group of people doing what they will stop ghastly things from occurring.  Furthermore with the revealing of Osama Bin Laden, countries are blaming Pakistan to hiding his location and are compelled to say that Pakistan is a terrorist country. Pakistan is a country like any other, of course there is terrorism and political instability but life goes on and people are living their days onwards. Pakistan is a safe country to live in and is a thriving nation to educate in. Only believe what you see with your own two eyes.

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